Newborn Baby Smiles At Her Dad Immediately After Labour After He Spent Months Speaking To Her In The Womb

Newborn Baby Smiles At Her Dad Immediately After Labour After He Spent Months Speaking To Her In The Womb

This heartwarming story highlights the incredible bond between a father and his unborn baby. Research suggests that babies in the womb can hear and remember sounds, and this story exemplifies the connection that can form through consistent communication.

Flávio Vilela, anticipating the arrival of his first child, made it a habit to talk to his baby every day while they were still in the womb. He greeted his daughter in the mornings and shared updates about his day when he returned home from work. He would express his love for her and reassure her that he would always be there for her. This regular communication created a strong connection between father and baby before they even met face to face.

When Antonella was born, weighing just over 3.125 kg (6.8 lbs) and measuring 49 cm (19.2 inches), the doctors placed her on her mother’s chest. As soon as Flávio spoke to her, Antonella opened her eyes and smiled, recognizing her father’s voice. This precious moment was captured on camera and shared on social media, quickly gaining viral attention.

Flávio expressed his overwhelming love for his daughter, describing the feeling of seeing her smile as an indescribable sense of true love. The mother, Tarsila, regarded their daughter as a gift from a higher power. Notably, Antonella was born on Father’s Day in Brazil, adding an extra layer of significance to this special moment.

Flávio shared the heartwarming photo on Instagram, expressing his emotions and the connection he felt with his daughter. He conveyed his daily affirmations of love and support during the pregnancy and how Antonella repaid him with the sweetest smile upon her birth.

This story demonstrates the power of communication and love between a father and his unborn child. It highlights the ability of babies in the womb to perceive and respond to familiar voices, setting the stage for the profound bond that will continue to grow between the father and daughter throughout their lives.

Nghia Pham