Breathtaking Encounters Polar Bears Swimming in Stunning Personal Photographs

Breathtaking Encounters Polar Bears Swimming in Stunning Personal Photographs

Renowned photographer Paul Souders recently received the prestigious Wildlife Photographer of the Year award for his extraordinary photograph capturing a polar bear submerged in water. Based in Seattle, Souders has a collection of breathtaking images of these majestic creatures swimming in their natural habitat.

Unlike many polar bear photographs taken from a distance, Souders manages to get up close and capture these animals from rarely seen angles. However, the process of capturing these stunning shots was no easy feat. Carrying nearly 500 lbs. of equipment and working 12 to 14 hours a day, he tirelessly searched the vast expanse of white glaciers, enduring laborious hours staring at the ice in search of that elusive white shape.

Finding polar bears on the ice proved to be extremely challenging, and Souders only encountered two during his extensive efforts. However, one particular polar bear decided to approach him after diving beneath a chunk of sea ice and poking her head through a hole. Just feet away from his camera, he couldn’t believe the incredible shot he was about to capture.

The photographer’s perseverance paid off, and he finally achieved a remarkable moment when he noticed the polar bear lurking beneath the water’s surface, making eye contact with him. This remarkable encounter left him in awe and excitement, eager to share his vacation photos with everyone on the train from Churchill to Winnipeg.

Paul Souders’ dedication and skill have allowed him to showcase the beauty and vulnerability of polar bears in their natural habitat. Through his captivating photographs, he offers a rare and intimate glimpse into the lives of these magnificent creatures, raising awareness of the importance of preserving their environment for future generations to admire and cherish.

Nghia Pham