An interesting couple lives together with a dog, a cat, and a duck as one family.

An interesting couple lives together with a dog, a cat, and a duck as one family.

Kasey Boggs and her husband are compassionate individuals who have rescued and cared for various animal species, creating a harmonious family together. You would never imagine that dogs, cats, and even ducks could peacefully coexist, but Kasey Boggs and her husband have made it possible. They have saved and brought together different animals, forming their own small family. Currently, their little family consists of 7 animal members, including 4 dogs, 2 ducks, and 1 cat. Kasey Boggs and her husband have taken them in, providing dedicated care as if they were their own children. They have named them Roxy, Edith, Mia, Rose, Jake, Gertrude, and Donald.

Kasey Boggs and her husband have taken a photo together with their 7 special family members.

Despite not being raised together at the same time, the members of the family have a deep bond and are inseparable. They even refuse to take separate photos. “When my husband and I want to take a photo with just two or three of them, we have to keep the others in a separate room, otherwise, they will automatically come back and ‘demand’ to be included in the picture,” shared Kasey Boggs. During weekends, Kasey Boggs and her husband often spend time taking their 7 special family members for walks or camping trips. Let’s admire these unique and heartwarming pictures of the 7 different species coming together.

The 7 special members are named Roxy, Edith, Mia, Rose, Jake, Gertrude, and Donald.
All the members of the family were rescued by Kasey Boggs and her husband.
They all love and care for each other deeply.
The duck is the newest member of the family, but itquickly becomes acquainted with the other animals.

The duck is the newest member of the family, but itquickly becomes acquainted with the other animals.

Kasey Boggs takes the animals for walks.

Kasey Boggs takes the animals for walks.

One week later, they rescued another dog and named her Nala, but sadly, Nala passed away shortly after.

After that, this kind-hearted couple rescued two more dogs named Jake and Rosie.

Jake, the tallest dog, was rescued from a cruel owner.

Kasey Boggs rescued Rosie, the dog on the right, and brought her home to care for her mother’s body.



Following that, the cat Mia joined this loving family.

The whole family is getting ready for their trips.

Although the members are not raised together at the same time, they still love each other very much and are hard to separate.

Hoan Le